Fifteen months ago, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had chosen his room in a home for elderly Argentine...
About to take over a crisis-ridden company with a demoralised workforce? Turn to a Roman case study...
In his new book, The Church of Mercy—a compilation of speeches, homilies, and writings collected from the...
VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Francis baptized 10 people Saturday and urged them to bring their faith...
“Pope Francis is going to live to 140 years,” says the Chinese doctor For years, Liu Ming...
The archbishop of Atlanta had a plan to resolve the space crunch at his cathedral: He would...
Pope Francis continued his rock star turn yesterday by breaking with tradition and publicly confessing his sins...
For Brad Bingham, a lifelong Catholic who regularly goes to confession, it was the new pope’s own...
POPE FRANCIS is to create his first batch of cardinals on February 22nd. The 19 men will...
The programme at the Blood Bank was followed by the inauguration and blessing of the new 550...