Humility – Mother of all Virtues
On February 15, 2015, we had the CASK Reunion at the Boat Club, near Sultan Battery. I am happy to inform that the programme exceeded expectations for three reasons:
- It brought all the Governing Council team to work together once again as a family to revive the old spirit.
- It encouraged our cultural artists and the younger generation to get involved.
- It helped maintain bonds with the members – besides building new relationships and goodwill.
Special thanks go to the Convenor of the programme Ms Nayana Fernandes.
Though February has only 28 days, I had an opportunity to travel to four cities across India. It was an experience to be in Delhi during the Assembly elections. After arriving in Delhi, I could not open the number lock on the Samsonite suit- case. Having booked official appointments, I wanted the contents inside the suit-case badly. Had no choice but to rush to Gole Market for a Chaviwallah. Upon enquiring his whereabouts with a banana vendor, I was directed to the opposite corner where I saw an elderly man, perhaps in his sixties, seated beneath a tree. He was wearing the ‘AamAdmi Cap’, the muffler as worn by Arvind Kejriwal – besides a maroon-coloured sweater. On the wall was the name written, “Mr Khan”. After agreeing to open the number lock for Rs 150, Mr Khan got to work but not before offering me, my colleague and the cab driver an AamAdmi cap and its party newspaper to read. As a true professional, he was concerned that the locking system of the suitcase not be damaged. When the suit-case was opened, I was thrilled and, being in a hurry, gave him Rs 200 with the remark “Rs 150 for you and the balance for the AamAdmi Party”. I was called back asking for my name and mobile number. What impressed me was his reply: “We need to send you the official receipt for Rs 50 for the party contribution”. This was on February 5, 2015 and gave an inkling of what was to follow with such dedicated workers in the field. No wonder the AamAdmi Party emerged victorious on February 10, silencing the continuous attack on Delhi churches for the moment.
On the other hand, many Indians were pained to read the derogatory remarks made by a prominent leader about Blessed Mother Theresa on the issue of conversion. What was the motive behind that statement remains unanswered. My personal belief is that Blessed Mother Theresa experienced God and it is the hand of God which led her to carry on her dedicated service. When we look at the success story of ‘Missionaries of Charity’ in Mangaluru itself, it is nothing short of a miracle. The inmates would have been a burden on the State; and as a community and society let us stand up to support the Missionaries of Charity.
A couple of years ago, as a family, we visited the Missionaries of Charity home for 40 to 50 inmates on the outskirts of Mysuru managed by three Brothers. The inmates were all abandoned male children physically disabled and mentally challenged. Taking care of their basic needs on an everyday basis, perhaps for years together, cannot but be equated with selfless labour that outweighs all the treasures of the world. Yet, there was joy and compassion among the Brothers of the Missionary of Charity as we shared lunch after their normal chores. It is shameful that baseless allegations are made on a noble woman who is no more. Let us pray that the virtue of humility may enlighten all who question the integrity of Blessed Mother Theresa.
On the CASK front, we have scheduled a workshop on ‘Changing faces of women in India’ on March 9, 2015 at the Roshni Nilaya Auditorium. The Nirbhaya documentary titled ‘India’s Daughter’ is keeping the gender equality and respect for women issues alive. Unless there is a change in the mindset that every woman has roles of Mother, Sister, Wife, Daughter or Friend, our society cannot move forward. We want foreign tourists to come to India. But, if we cannot guarantee basic requirements of safety for our own women citizens, what about foreign women?
It is two weeks since we entered the Lenten season and Easter will be celebrated on April 5, 2015. Let us remember that our Lord washing the feet of his disciples is a perfect act of humility, a standing testimony for all of us to follow. It is hard for us mortals; but all we can do is to have faith and pray to become better human beings.
I wish you all, the joy of a Holy and Happy Easter.
Capt. J. P. Menezes
Tags: President Speaks