Mangaluru, Oct 8: Mount Carmel Central School, Maryhill, Mangaluru organized a Personality Development Programme for the students of Grade X in association with the Catholic Association of South Kanara (CASK) on October 5. It was a wonderful experience as the students were sensitized to many soft skills, to truly excel in the world. The day began with the lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the light of knowledge into one’s life. Zanet welcomed the gathering. Sr Carissima, the administrator of the school gave an introduction to the programme and encouraged the students to benefit from all the sessions.
The sessions started off on a wonderful note, with the energy and enthusiasm of Patsy Lobo. She addressed the topic of mindfulness and how it can affect one’s life. She spoke of how it helps combat stress and can organize one’s thoughts, thus helping one to focus. She gracefully spoke on the topic of supporting others in times of distress, a much-needed lesson, as now people are recovering from the effects of the pandemic.
The goal of education is to provide skills which can help achieve success and happiness in life. This was the quote displayed on the first slide of Dr Derick Lobo’s presentation. He enlightened the students on the numerous qualities that colleges and employers look for in an applicant. He informed that while the academic records do hold importance, the various qualities that are displayed in our personality are also taken into account. In the end, he gave a few tips from Brenda Greene’s bestseller “Get the interview every time!”
The third session taught the students how to coax out joy and find happiness in each day. With her cheerful disposition, Lavina Noronha told them that happiness is a choice that one makes. She told them to laugh at least for 20 minutes every day, and see the difference it makes in one’s life. She also dove deeper into human emotions and acknowledged that other feelings such as anger and sorrow are natural and must be expressed. She concluded with the idea that while one must feel these emotions to live a fuller life, he must handle these emotions with utmost care.
A walking nature encyclopedia is a fitting epithet for Dr Anand Pereira, who seemed to have an endless trove of information on biodiversity. He is an avid photographer and the students had the privilege of viewing some of his breathtaking wildlife and nature photographs. He took them on a virtual tour of the Western Ghats, pointing out trivia on a number of species that inhabit these hills. He also sensitized them to the plight of these animals due to urbanization and deforestation. But, all is not lost. The world is at a turning point and all have the power to make a change in the world, he said.
The last session of the day was short and sweet. In an efficient manner, Pereira acquainted the students with the importance of communication in the modern world. She informed them that even the most eminent personalities in the world get nervous before speaking in public, but with practice and time, each person can speak fluently and confidently on stage. The day came to an end with a vote of thanks by Tanisha, a student of Grade X and then the students left the hall enriched by the experience of the day.
Courtesy: Daijiworld