Holy Family Church, Sundekere – Sakleshpur Taluk
Rev. Fr Anil Lobo, Parish Priest of Holy Family Church, Sundekere – Sakleshpur Taluk, organised a Summer Camp for Children aged 10 to 20, on 29th April 2023.
The children were from the neighbouring Government and private schools. A total of 21 students participated.
Dr Anand Pereira, Secretary CASK made a power point presentation on Mother Earth and Environment. Mrs Geeta Pereira, spoke on Effective Communication.
The two presentations were followed by a question and answer session.
Fr Anil Lobo thanked the Catholic Association of South Canara (CASK) and the two resource persons – Dr Anand and Geeta Pereira for conducting a useful and interesting session for the benefit of the student participants.